The Wii U Premium Pack is now available on Amazon UK for a slashed price of £189.99. To the rest of the non-European, and Australian world, that may not seem too great of a deal–seeing as the price equates to around $318–but when you consider that the same Premium Pack is currently £299.99 on the official Nintendo UK site, it’s safe to assume that this is one heck of a deal.

Whether or not this is a mistake on Amazon’s part is yet to be seen, but if you were on the fence about picking up a Wii U, in the UK, due to its price then this may just convince you. Plus, what with Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, Mario Kart 8, Super Smash Bros. and Monolith Soft’s X all due for release this year then now might be a great time to snap one up just in case the price increases. Oooh, feel the deal!