Soni-Ani SUPER SONICO THE ANIMATION will be streaming on Crunchyroll starting at 12 PM EST on January 6, 2014. The anime follows Super Sonico, an 18 year old college student. She plays guitar and models for pin-ups when she isn’t busy working in her grandmother’s restaurant. Consequences are soon seen when her fellow band mates are late for a concert and she is forced to play alone.
Locations the anime will be available in include:
United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, South Africa, New Zealand, Australia, Scandinavia, the Netherlands, Latin America, Spain, Portugal, the Middle East, Turkey, Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Belgium, Italy, Denmark, Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, France and DOM-TOM, Andorra, the Netherlands, Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco.