Shadow Warrior | Preparing Attack

Devolver Digital has released a launch trailer for Flying Wild Hog’s reboot of Shadow Warrior to coincide with the game’s release on Steam and The trailer pulls no punches, demonstrating the game’s over-the-top violence and presentation, mixed with the tasteless puns and stereotypical Asian jokes that fans of the original game by 3D Realms will recognize.

For additional comedic effect, Stan Bush’s “The Touch” is added to the soundtrack with fake praise by critics, Stan Bush and the protagonist, Lo Wang, through a stylish and ultra-violent montage. It all sounds very tongue-in-cheek and rarely appears to take itself very seriously. The combination of gun- and swordplay as you wield a wide array of destructive firearms and deadly sword techniques looks incredibly fun, and the first-person sword action may even remind you of Red Steel 2.

You can view the trailer below:

Shadow Warrior currently has a launch discount on Steam. The regular version costs $35.99 (USD), and the Special Edition costs $44.99. The deal ends October 3. The Special Edition comes with supplements, such as a digital official soundtrack and an art book, as well as the Katana from Hotline Miami and the Sledgehammer from Serious Sam 3.

Shadow Warrior | Special Edition Supplements

We don’t typically cover Western first-person shooters, but Shadow Warrior appears to play differently and uniquely compared to other first-person shooters, and we hope you’ll open up to try a game like this. For anybody who’s wondering, the game’s humor seeks to remain faithful to the original’s, but the creators have consciously replaced its more racy and sexist jokes with “smarter”—but probably still tasteless—jokes.

Shadow Warrior is currently available for Windows and will be ported to next-gen systems on a later date.


Andy Na
Andy was a member at Operation Rainfall since the beginning of its campaigning days. Though something of a troublemaker at the time, he now contributes to Operation Rainfall and shares his love for all things gaming and the visual arts. His favorite games include Xenoblade Chronicles, Kid Icarus Uprising, and No More Heroes. Andy currently holds a Bachelors degree in Cinema, which he uses to pursue filmmaking.