At Tokyo Game Show 2013, it was announced that Bayonetta will make her theatrical debut on November 23, 2013 in the format of an anime film titled Bayonetta: Bloody Fate. The film will be produced by Sega and Gonzo and will be directed by Fuminori Kizaki, who is known for directing Afro Samurai.
Alongside Bayonetta, familiar characters such as Jean, Ceraza, Rodin, Balder and Enzo will make an appearance.
With the announcement of the movie came a trailer as well. I am overly pleased that the nun outfit will be making an appearance in the anime adaptation, and of course we cannot forget the lollipop.
I have high hopes for the film but many have doubts mainly concerning Gonzo’s involvement. What are your thoughts on the trailer and film? Hopefully with the release of the film, we will receive a release date for Bayonetta 2 soon.