Penny Arcade Expo may not be the leading destination for cosplayers, but don’t tell that to the brave folks who show up at PAX every year as their favorite video game, comic, and TV show characters. They do it for the love of the characters, and possibly sweat. Take a look at some of the people who came to PAX Prime this year with your entertainment in mind.
Random Bandit, Tiny Tina, and Moxxi from Borderlands
Rogue from X-Men
Tiny Tina from Borderlands 2
Remember that Companion Cube you incinerated in Portal…?
Lilith and Mordecai hanging out with Maya
No, Bandit from the cover of Borderlands, don’t do it!
Only BioShock Infinite‘s Booker and Elizabeth…
…can make the sight of multiples of themselves…
…running around the convention center…
…feel oddly in line…
…with the actual game.
Most wouldn’t recognize an Eleventh Doctor cosplayer if they passed by one. Here’s the trick: look for the bow tie.
Female Engineer from Team Fortress 2
The Sheriff of Lynchwood with Brick and Moxxi from Borderlands again.
Tifa from Final Fantasy VII
Lilith from Borderlands
I think it’s safe to say that even if GLaDOS looks this beautiful, we still wouldn’t want to hang out with a murderous artificial inteli— OOOOOHHH CAAAKE!
If Toad or Toaddette ate a mushroom, would that be cannibalism?
Sakura from the Street Fighter series. Now, if I can only figure out what’s wrong with this picture…
Picking out the Tenth Doctor cosplayers out of the crowd is a little bit easier.
Look for the shoes.
A Scout from Team Fortress 2
No, creepy Mario, I won’t meet up with you behind some dark alley!
Naked Snake from Metal Gear Solid 3
No, Troll dolls are not making a comeback. That’s Sissel with Yomiel of Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective fame. Best if I don’t tell you which is which.
Dude in 2370s dress uniform from the Star Trek series, first seen in Star Trek: Insurrection.
A Sniper from Team Fortress 2. If there was a female vension, she would undoubtedly look like this.
The luckiest Pikachu in existence.
Poison Ivy and the Riddler possibly concocting their next plans for taking over Gotham City, with riddle-spewing petunias, or something or other.
Old-school Faith from the original Mirror’s Edge
Weiss Schnee and Blake Belladonna from Rooster Teeth’s RWBY
Ellie and Joel from The Last of Us
If an Organization XIII member is playing a Kingdom Hearts game, do they call it research?
Female versions of Team Fortress 2 characters—in this case, the Heavy and the Engineer—sure are popular.
One brave Zangief from the Street Fighter series
Flora and Luke posing for a pic before continuing on their search for Professor Layton.
Lilith back in the days of the original Borderlands
Why do I get this bad feeling that Kazooie guy on her back is up to no good?
Iota from Tearaway
Chun-Li from the Street Fighter series
A Pyro from Team Fortress 2…
…photobombed by Misty.
Ramona from Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
Ky Kiske and May from the Guilty Gear series
Random Spartan from Halo 4
Quote from
Cave Story (a.k.a. the guy you play as)
The Kid and Zia from Bastion
Looks like Faith is on her delivery run.
Sailor Moon
Ash from the Pokémon anime
Master Chief hoping to get on the cover of Playboy
Gaige from Borderlands 2, who has ingeniously disguised her robotic companion, Deathtrap, as a PAX attendee.
Juliet Starling from Lollipop Chainsaw
If only Nintendo drew inspiration for their games from cosplayers…
Seriously, Nintendo!
Deadpool wearing his favorite PAX getup.
Hawke from Dragon Age II and Commander Shepard from the Mass Effect series
Red and the Kid, the two laconic heroes of Supergiant Games’ Transistor and Bastion.
Legion, Samara, and a Cerberus officer from the Mass Effect series
Strange, I remember Big Daddies being a bit more…formidable.
I’m told there’s someone inside that GLaDOS… Why?
Nowi from Fire Emblem Awakening
Special thanks to Hailee for contributing her pics for this article.
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