On August 7th the Animal Crossing Plaza was launched in North America and ever since then, Animal Crossing players from all over the world have been sharing their pictures and expressing their creativity on the Animal Crossing Miiverse Community!
Let us express our creativity and our love for Nintendo Power all over the world! Let Nintendo of America know we want the power back through Animal Crossing New Leaf!
We at Operation Power Up are huge fans of Animal Crossing as well as Nintendo Power. One of our members, Charles Work, has made several Nintendo Power themed patterns to share.

Phil Theobald, the former Assistant Editor/Writer of Nintendo Power also has made some Nintendo Power themed patterns!

Do you have Animal Crossing New Leaf and a Wii U? Here’s how you can help!
1. Scan the QR code to any of the patterns you like.
2. Take a picture in Animal Crossing New Leaf with said pattern.
3. Upload the picture to the Animal Crossing Plaza.
4. Post the picture to the Miiverse!
Furthermore you can also share the pictures through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Pintrest, Google+, and other social media sites or forums using the hashtag #OpPowerUp or #NintendoPower.
For those who don’t have a Wii U, you can still share your image by uploading it to any social media site you prefer. Also you can use Nintendo’s official 3DS image share site right here.
Here’s some examples:
Also if you have any Nintendo Power themed patterns that you have created and would like to share with us, feel free to send it to us so we can share it on our Facebook, Twitter, or website. Be sure to “Yeah” and or “Like” all the Nintendo Power related posts you see.
Don’t forget to join our Facebook and follow us on Twitter! Thanks for helping us get the power!
See you next mission!
Our Facebook group: Here.
Our Twitter: Here.
Our petition: Here.