Are you Japanese, a fan of Dragon Quest, and impatiently awaiting the next title in the franchise? Well, then you’re in luck! Today Square Enix, via their Japanese YouTube account, released a trailer for the upcoming browser-based spin-off, Dragon Quest: Monster Parade. Even though the trailer is Japanese, save for a sentence of English, a clear representation of the gameplay and various mechanics in Monster Parade are shown. Since the trailer cannot be embedded, it can be viewed on their official YouTube channel here.

The above screenshot, if you didn’t watch the trailer, gives you a pretty good representation of how gameplay works Dragon Quest: Monster Parade. Your monster collection, or “Monster Parade,” goes in front of the caravan of goodies in an attempt to stop the enemy monsters from ever laying a finger on it. The player chooses their desired monster by dragging and dropping said monster in or near the line of the incoming foe, then combat commences. After a quest is complete, a loot/spoils screen pops up, showing everything collected from the quest. Now, only a certain amount of monsters can be carried with you at any given time. The monsters you want to accompany you on your travels cannot go past an accumulative weight. It’s measured by putting monsters on a scale before your quest begins. Although the limit may seem like a bummer, judging by the trailer, many-a-monster can be brought out to help with your cause, so it shouldn’t prove to be a problem.
To reiterate, Dragon Quest: Monster Parade is a Japanese browser-based game that’s free-to-play and offers micro-transactions to the player. No official release date nor localization has been announced. However, public beta-testing for the game begins in the coming week (for Japan, of course). Does this browser-based, free-to-play Dragon Quest spin-off seem enticing to anybody out there? As always, voice your opinion down below in the comments!