Nicalis is bringing one of KEMCO’s mobile JRPGs to the 3DS, Windows, Mac OS, and Linux. Grinsia is a classic 16-bit-style RPG that features some pretty amazing-looking sprite work. The game was originally released on Android- and iOS-based devices, but is receiving some added features for the 3DS release, such as dual-screen support, enhanced controls and more. The game will also feature a wide range of allies who will react differently to in-game events. There are day and night cycles that will change the appearance of towns and the overworld. This will also directly affect gameplay. You can check out the announcement trailer below, or, for more information, you can check out Nicalis’ Grinsia website.
Steve Baltimore
Steve started with oprainfall not long after the campaign moved from the IGN forums to Facebook. Ever since, he has been fighting to give all non-mainstream RPGs a fair voice. As the site admin, he will continue to do this and even show there is value in what some would deem "pure ecchi." He loves niche games and anime more than anything... well, except maybe Neptune.
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