Okay, folks, day 3 of E3 is over, and we have some more photos to share with you! Each day, we’ve been uploading photos for you to view, and today, you can see the Xbox One, the PlayStation 4, Nintendo’s booth, some of XSEED’s titles, the RetroN 5 console, and more! For more images from E3 2013, select one of the following:
Jared Cyhowski
[Former Staff] Jared is a recent graduate from Fitchburg State University where he studied communications, video production, and English. He enjoys playing video games, watching anime, writing, and of course pizza. His favorite games are Shadow of the Colossus and Final Fantasy IX, but he can’t possibly choose a favorite anime. Jared enjoys following the games industry and observing what will happen next, and he puts out an invitation for discussion on these topics. He loves a great story in these mediums and prefers a stronger narrative design over most features. Jared is personally responsible for creating and managing the Anime section of the website, and hopes to inspired and entertain with everything he writes.
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