Final Fantasy Tactics S

The tactical Final Fantasy “spin-off” series Final Fantasy Tactics is back, but this time around for mobile devices, with Final Fantasy Tactics S. Unlike many other Square Enix mobile platform games, Tactics S isn’t a remake of a previous title. Judging by the trailer — which can be found below — the combat has been given an overhaul and appears to take place upon a smaller grid then the previous title’s semi-expansive playing field. However, the game boasts a beautiful artwork, retro graphics, and an excellent theme that fans of the series should be pleased with. Everything within the trailer for Final Fantasy Tactics S gets me excited for what could be a worthy game in the Tactics series. Check it out for yourselves.

Final Fantasy Tactics S is currently only available on Android and IOS in Japan. An overseas release date has not been announced, but if one does surface, oprainfall will be sure to keep you all posted.


Arik Yates
Former Contributor- Arik (yes, it's with an "A") is an aspiring video game journalist and professional monster hunter. He joined Operation Rainfall in January of 2013 and has been following since the Xenoblade days. His gaming obsessions include Uncharted, Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger, No More Heroes, and Bioshock.