Little Witch Academia began as barely a blip on most anime fans’ radars. As part of the Young Animator Training Project, young and upcoming animators were given funding from the Japanese government to support their work and education in the field. Four studios participate every year, and Studio Trigger (production house of the upcoming Kill la Kill) was one of those who participated in Anime Mirai 2013.
Their project? Little Witch Academia of course.
The 30-minute short has since become so popular with general audiences that it is being released on Blu-ray this summer. Among other bonuses that have yet to be announced, Trigger has said that the release will have English subtitles. No news yet on what region the Blu-ray would be, how it will be distributed, or an official release date.
You can keep up with Trigger’s Twitter account here.
Little Witch Academia is currently available to stream with English subtitles on both YouTube and Crunchyroll.