Revealed on its Amazon page, Time and Eternity‘s North American box cover uses artwork that differs from the original Japanese version. It isn’t completely redrawn artwork for the American market, but rather another choice of existing images from the official artist.
It was actually one of the earlier images used to promote Time and Eternity, when it was previously known to us as Tokitowa. You can see the two differing covers below:
Compared to the original release cover, this one uses a stronger color palette with strong attention to red hues giving it a more stylized attention. The Japanese version has more muted colors and a gentler effect.
The absence of the giant clock in the North American version can look misleading in the story sense, as Time and Eternity uses time travel in its narrative. However, its wispy designs and cathedral-like architecture in the background makes up for it by touching upon the fantasy adventure that players will embark on. The absence of the dragon-turned-protagonist is also misleading, considering that he is a pivotal character in the story and functions according to the game’s not-so-subtle dating-simulator feature. Also note that both women are wearing wedding dresses, which can easily imply polygamy for those unfamiliar with dating simulators, or harem comedies.
Nevertheless, both covers look very pretty and draw our attention towards the game’s leading ladies.
Time and Eternity is slated to release in North America on July 16, 2013. You can pre-order your copy now at and