NOTE: This article is from the oprainfall campaign hub, written by an independent campaign, and hosted on the oprainfall website. The opinions herein may not represent the opinions of the oprainfall website.
Want to win a completely free PlayStation 3 bundle? Specifically, the one shown above? Well, we here at Project Crystallis have a little plan in mind. Please, read on!
Operation Rainfall has inspired us to conduct this new operation! What we are planning to do is, for one day and one day only, flood Square Enix NA’s office asking for Final Fantasy Type-0. This will be done through a 3-step process as follows:
- Send letters to Square Enix NA
- The day of the letters’ arrival, everyone phone calls Square Enix NA
- The day of the letters’ arrival, everyone emails Square Enix NA
To start off, all you guys have to do is type up a letter you want to send to Square Enix asking for Final Fantasy Type-0 and email it to and we will mail it to Square Enix NA for you! Please make sure to include some reference to Project Crystallis in your letter to show our unity as a group!
That’s it! Out of all the emails we get, one lucky winner will be chosen randomly, and that one person will win that PlayStation 3 bundle!
The cutoff point is May 29th!