RUMOR BUSTED! 04/17/2013
The Nintendo Direct has come and gone with no Majora’s Mask Remake news. That isn’t to say it won’t happen, just that it didn’t happen in the Nintendo Direct. There is a chance for E3, which is less than two months away.
Alright everybody, get your grain of salt ready. Earlier today, Spanish gaming website Xtralife listed The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D and what appears to be Super Smash Bros. Brawl 3D for sale. When clicked on either of the said games, the page simply refreshes. What’s most intriguing is the fact that both unannounced games are in the website’s system. A screen shot can be found below.

Don’t worry, there is nothing wrong with your eyes.
Now, although this is a RUMOR, there is a 3DS oriented Nintendo Direct scheduled for tomorrow, and Xtralife was right about Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D. What do you all think about this? Are you more hyped up about tomorrow’s Nintendo Direct after this tasty rumor? Sound off below in the comments!