It’s about that time for the weekly Wednesday European PlayStation Network update, and boy do they have a treat for their fans this week! Virtue’s Last Reward (PlayStation Vita) , the sequel to Zero Escape: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors (or 999), will be available free of charge for European and Australian PlayStation Plus members. The Zero Escape games, for those unfamiliar, are adventure puzzlers with elements of a visual novel that include: well crafted stories full of twists and weighty choices that will change the outcome of the game.

Now, if you’re itching to give this game a whirl I would highly suggest you experience 999 in some form, be it on your Nintendo DS/3DS or a walkthrough of some sort. Virtue’s Last Reward just isn’t quite as emotional and gripping without the knowledge brought from it’s predecessor, but it would still be enjoyable. Regardless, it’s an adventure not to be missed.