Big Game Hunting
The next question I posed to the staff was about their favourite and least favourite monsters, and why.
Charlotte: I’ve only ever played Tri. I’d say my favourite monster thus far is the Jhen Moran; I’m always manning the ballista when I go to hunt it with my mates. I also love the Barioth; it’s fun to fight, and I think it looks wicked. The Rathian and Rathalos are cool as well. However, I can’t stand the Gobul. I don’t know what it is about it, but damn, that is one infuriating beast.

David: Rathian, simply just for being so epic and nerve wracking. The adrenaline that pumps through me as I try to take down a Rathian truly is unforgettable. Its domineering presence and viciousness puts a lot of the other monsters to shame. There’s nothing quite like picking mushrooms on the Deserted Island, only to hear that warning sound and seeing a Rathian landing behind you. Instant thoughts are: “Let’s do this!”
The Gigginox, despite looking like a mutated hermaphradite, is not the only reason I despise the monster. I simply had too much trouble taking it down. Its unpredictability and love of hiding out in darkened rooms didn’t give me any excitement or thrill. It was a chore to hunt and an even bigger one to capture. Begone you creepy, unsavoury-looking fiend.
Jodie: Monsters are what this game is about; without them, there are no tails to cut. And there is no monster I love more than the Agnaktor. I have a full set of Agnaktor+ armor and a fire switch-axe that I love to show off. I love the fight with Agnaktor; he moves like a fiery Lagiacrus and has a laser beam. A freakin’ laser beam! I also love that you can damage him in so many places, including his fiery core. As a hunter who prides herself with the name “tail cutter”, the more things I have to cut the better. The bane of my hunting is the Barioth. When I fought this monster I freaked out because of how fast and how much damage it did the first time it attacked me. I hate it because I always forget to roll the correct way, or he doesn’t let me cut his tail before he either dies or is ready for capture.

Lyndon: I love dragons, but my favourite and least favourite monsters are hard to say as all the monsters are cool, yet at the same time frustrating.
Tyler: Single player is all right, but I think Monster Hunter’s real strength comes from the online play. Teaming up with up to three other hunters to take down tough monsters, especially online-only monsters, is one of the main draws for me. I have spent literally hundreds of hours online, just fighting monsters or trying to find that one rare component I need to complete a new weapon or armor set. Along that line, my favorite monster thus far is one of the online-exclusives, Jhen Mohran. Easily the biggest monster in Monster Hunter Tri, it’s also probably the only one in the game that cannot be defeated alone. Having a team of knowledgeable hunters is almost a requirement, as knowing how and when to use the weaponry on the ship chasing Jhen is key to success. Of course, I’m sure anyone who has spent any meaningful amount of time hunting Jhen knows the pain of having “that guy” on their team who rang the gong on the wrong attack, or used the Dragonator too early or too late, leaving the ship wide open to further harm. It’s all part of the experience, though, and educating your fellow hunters goes along with that.
The Thrill of the Hunt
Finally, I asked what everyone was looking forward to the most in Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate; and there are plenty of things to be said!
Charlotte: I’m looking forward to all the new monsters in Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate. In particular, I’m looking forward to taking on the Nargacuga. I’ve heard it fights similarly to a Barioth, and I love fighting the Barioth. I’m also looking forward to the hunting horn; a hammer that can give buffs? Yes please!

David: I’m looking forward to exploring new areas and fighting new monsters. But I’m mainly looking forward to teaming up with hunters from across the world, rather than just being limited to my own continent.
Jodie: I am looking forward to the new monsters in MH3U, but like Tri, there is only one thing I am greatly anticipating. And that is getting back into the fray with my friends and fellow hunters and enjoying killing and capturing monsters. The true success of Monster Hunter is being able to enjoy it withfFriends. Because you can have awesome successful hunts, or we can just grill meat in front of a raging Rathian and see who she attacks first.
Lyndon: After playing the Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate 3DS demo, I can honestly say I am looking forward to playing a great and wonderful Wii game on a handheld. I hope to enjoy it just as much as I did, and still do, with Monster Hunter Freedom Unite.
Tyler: Initially, I wasn’t even planning on getting Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate. At first glance, I thought it was just a Wii U remake; just the same game with nicer graphics. However, after seeing that Capcom added almost three times the monsters, an assortment of new weapons and armors and a mess of new online and offline quests, I don’t see how I could not get it.
And there you have it, my fellow hunters! What are your favourite weapons and monsters? Are you playing Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate right now? Let us know in the comments below!