If Game & Wario didn’t already have you scrambling for microgaming mayhem, here is an inside look at a few of the metagames Game & Wario has to offer. The first metagame, “Gamer” has you take control of 9Volt, the Nintendo diehard fanboy. Like most of us, gaming doesn’t stop for 9Volt just because its lights out! After mom tucks you in, your WiiU gamepad springs to life with Balloon Fighter and away you play … that is until you mother catches on to your moonlight gaming, after that, its game over! Grab that high score before you get caught!

We first saw this second metagame originally as a WiiU tech demo. ‘Pirate’ has players scrambling around the deck to a rhythm of commands from Wario himself as you shoot arrows at baddies and quickly raise your WiiU gamepad up to shield yourself from incoming arrow fire.

Enjoy the stress of puzzle gaming under pressure? ‘Patchwork’ is a metagame that features drag and drop felt pieces to complete the pictures from your WiiU gamepad before the timer hits zero.

The last metagame takes advantage of both your WiiU gamepad’s and your television as you complete your objectives in ‘Kung-fu’. Staring at the gamepad gives gamers a distant behind the shoulder view, while your television displays a top down perspective.

The WiiU gamepad has unleashed some great possibilities for Nintendo to get creative with Game & Wario’s 16 mini game packed carnage. Game & Wario is prepping to give WiiU owners in Japan their metagame fix on March 28th.