
Very few people in the West know what Bravely Default: Flying Fairy is about, or even what it is. The idea behind these updates is to bring you up to speed with the details of the game. (Spoiler free of course) Keep in mind that a lot of details are hard to find with little to no translated details of the games story. (Quick side note, we are sorry for the recent lack of activity; holidays, vacations, and finals have been hard on us.) Now lets dive into another main character, Agnes Oblige.

 Agnes Oblique

Agnes is one of the four main protagonists in Bravely Default: Flying Fairy and is the main “mascot” of the game. She is in control of the “wind crystal”, when it is overcome by darkness she, lead by the wind spirits, sets off on a quest to purify it. She is quickly pursued by the Eternian’s Air Force, and their quest for the power of the crystals and those who control them. She later meets up with Tiz Oria and begins to travel with him.


There is very little information know on this character as well but we are under the impression that she is the main driving point for the story in this game with her being the main point of story it seems. We get this from her being the focus and narrator of most trailers such as this one:

And finally. it’s the end of the year, 2012 brought us the hope of localization of Bravely Default, and lets hope 2013 brings us the game itself! So check back next time for the rest of the cast, starting with Edea Lee!

Our mission is simple: to show Square Enix that those in the regions other than Japan want the game, "Bravely Default Flying Fairy" to come to their shores. LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD