Good news for Okami fans! The Okami Official Complete Works is now once again back in stock at Why is this a big deal, you ask? The art book was released back in mid-june of 2008. It then became a pretty rare commodity after just a few months. UDON did a re-print about a year later only for it to quickly became rare again! Of course, as with all with neat and rare items, the price gougers went to work, offering the book for about 100$ – 200$ or more dollars; about 2 to 3 times its original price!
Those who were lucky enough to purchase the book before the prices skyrocketed have claimed it is easily one of the best art books ever released. With almost 300 pages containing not just beautiful art from the game, it was also beautifully presented in terms of its visuals around the said art; fitting the theme of a mythical ancient time in its gorgeous cel-shaded palette. Some went as far as paying 200$ for the book and then proclaiming it was worth every single penny!
From what we see on UDON’s official website, they’re scheduled to re-print the book next month. This the perfect chance to acquire the esteemed art book and if you’re a fan of Okami it sounds like it is a must-have item to own. Live in the PAL region? You’re in luck! Amazon.UK also has it in stock.
Okami is available on PlayStation 2, Wii, or on PlayStation 3 with an HD remake.