Not too long ago a port of Muramasa: The Demon Blade was announced for the PS Vita. At that time it was only for Japan, but if a listing for the most anticipated PS Vita game for the US on the Playstation.Blog is to believed, the US should be seeing it as well. The powers that be took down the listing for the game, but fortunately for us we took a screen capture.

Considering we received the Wii version, this shouldn’t come as a surprise. Hopefully this wasn’t just a fluke and we’ll be hearing something soon, but I’d say it’s pretty much confirmed.
i hope so cause come to US eu get pretty much to so yeah i reall want this game
Ha, they’ve taken down the entire page on the PlayStation blog. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I reckon that’s pretty sus. Coming to the West for sure.
I sure hope it’s true. Hope for EU release as well, but US is good enough and cheap to import ;]
Wii version is just $9-10 at Gamestop nowadays.
That’ll be the version I play. I don’t have a Vita, so yeah.
I just realised; Ignition went out of business, or something, didn’t they (Maybe just as well after what they did to poor Arc Rise Fantasia)? I wonder who’d localize this one?
I hope it comes to Europe as well, this is pretty much my favourite game of this Gen
This Game’s visuals are worth seeing on a large screen.