Atelier Totori Plus Screen 8

With the release day for their PlayStation Vita RPG Atelier Totori Plus quickly approaching, Gust has revealed a whole batch of new screenshots. The game is a port of the previous PlayStation 3 title, Atelier Totori.

The screenshots, which can be viewed below, showcase a variety of Atelier Totori Plus’ gameplay elements, as well as some character art and event scenes. The screenshots also include a look at a gallery of the aforementioned art that’s included in the game. For the budding cartographer, there are even screenshots of… wait for it… the world map! There’s also a shot of the most intense cut of meat you’ll ever see, and a few of the ever popular swimsuit costumes.

Atelier Totori Plus will be released on November 29th in Japan, exclusively for the PlayStation Vita. There is currently no word on a Western release, but the Atelier series has seemingly been profitable enough to justify NISA’s localization of multiple instalments, so maybe there’s some hope for this one too.

Click on the images to enlarge them.

Atelier Totori Plus Screen 1 Atelier Totori Plus Screen 2 Atelier Totori Plus Screen 3
Atelier Totori Plus Screen 8

If it does get localized, would Atelier Totori Plus convince you to invest in a Vita? If you already have one, would you want to buy the game? Sound off in the comments.


Devin Kotani
Devin is a Canadian, and as such, plays hockey (no he doesn’t) and drinks maple syrup (not really) while riding a wild moose (he’s never seen a moose). When he’s not perpetuating cultural stereotypes, he’s playing videogames, which has been, on occasion, very bad for his mental health, problems with which have plagued him for years. Now, at 20, he’s getting his mental health issues under control, and he’s trying to decide what to do with his life. He’s currently debating between journalism and trying his hand at the dramatic arts.