Corpse Party has been around for a surprising amount of time. The original began as a game made with RPG Maker in 1996, followed by two remakes for Windows in 2008 and the PSP in 2010. The latter of which was the first time the series had been released in English, courtesy of XSEED last year. Now, almost a year later, the same fine folks are at it again, set to release the sequel before the end of the winter.
Corpse Party: Book of Shadows ditches the top down exploration of the first in favor of a first person point-and-click style. The game has eight chapters taking place with varying characters and time frames. Some go back to shine light on pieces of the story which were not shown in the original, while others mess around with who lived and died in the first game, giving short lived characters another chance to survive Heavenly Host Elementary School. And the final chapter is promised to be a direct sequel to Corpse Party, picking up with two of the survivors of the previous game as they explore a new environment that likely will be every bit as unpleasant as the school setting from the original.
Now, for those of you unlucky souls who missed out on one of the best horror games around (in this writers humble opinion, at least), XSEED is giving you a second chance to redeem yourselves. Starting tomorrow and lasting until November 6th, Corpse Party will be on sale for $9.99 through PSN. It was worth every penny of the original asking price; its simplistic visual style, gruesome deaths, and 3D binaural audio made it a horror experience like any other. For half price, it is almost stealing.
We will keep you posted as more news about Corpse Party: Book of Shadows is announced in the coming months, hopefully it won’t be too long before we have a solid release date. And for those of you thinking about buying the original tomorrow, keep in mind that it is playable on Vita and be sure to play with a good pair of headphones! Half the Corpse Party experience comes from the audio and you will want to hear every creak in the floor and creepy laughter, the 3D audio making all of it sound like it is really happening around you.