While much has been said (at least around here) of Ragnarok Odyssey’s graphics and gameplay style, the enemy design is yet another important feature of the upcoming Vita title. The tale begins with the opening of a passageway through the Millennium Peaks to the Sundered Land – an area long sealed off from humanity that just so happens to be rife with gargantuan beasts that want nothing more than to pummel you into a thick, meaty paste. Players will choose their job class, sex, and appearance before venturing off into the various lands where they will hopefully slay, and not be slain by, one of the title’s colossal monstrosities.

The available repertoire of weapons varies by class, but as the battle ensues, tension builds, allowing for more powerful specialized attacks such as knocking your ferocious – but now defenseless – enemy into the air or launching their helpless heaps of bodies off-screen.
XSEED has yet to announce an official publication date for Ragnarok Odyssey, but has the publishing rights and is even considering a demo.