So, Mario’s Picross has been discounted to $2.99 today. Yep. We went from Mighty Switch Force!, a game that every 3DS owner needs to have, being discounted to $3 to…Mario’s Picross. I mean, it isn’t bad per se. There’s just not a whole lot to say about it. There are certainly worse things on the eShop to spend your money on.

In other news, Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters was also released on the eShop this week for $3.99. This is the only Kid Icarus game I haven’t played so far. Considering that I didn’t like Kid Icarus on the NES at all, I’m hoping this one is at least slightly better.


Kyle Emch
Kyle has been studying music at college for about three years now. He's played the piano since he was 6 years old and has been recently been learning how to write music. He has followed the Operation Rainfall movement on Facebook since it started and was happy to volunteer for the website. Just don't mention Earthbound or the Mother franchise around him.