I believe that the moon children represent the skull kid’s subconscious fears, paranoia, and doubt over his status as a friend of the giants and his relationship with other people as a whole. He wonders if the giants really think of him as a friend; he wonders if the things that bring him joy (causing mischief) will make the giants happy too. He wonders if doing the right thing will really make everyone else happy or not. This is an interesting question as it leads to wondering what the ‘right thing’ even is. What if your stuck in a situation where helping one person will harm another, what is the right thing? Doing nothing and leaving one person without help or helping one person but harming the other.

The last question is a question based on the psychologist Carl Jung’s theory of persona (not the games). He states that we wear masks, so-to-speak, that allow us to change our demeanor and outward appearance to better fit the social situation we are in, and appease the people we are around. I doubt many of you behave the same way in a party as you would at an office job. The skull kid wonders if the ways he and others behave around people are true to their actual personality and intentions. Do the giants really behave in a way that is true to their nature when the skull kid is around? Are they just wearing masks to feign acceptance of him because they don’t actually like him, but don’t want to hurt his feelings? The fact that they wear the masks that trapped them inside the bosses may also represent the guilt that the skull kid has over what he has done to them.

Further proof is that the moon children are children. They play in the bright sunny field while the skull kid is left alone. This represents the skull kid’s feelings of loneliness and isolation due to fear of abandonment by the giants. What kid (without video games) doesn’t play outside with friends after all? Why don’t they invite the skull kid to play with them? Why do they leave the skull kid behind?

The masks in the game represent a person who has been healed of their (mostly) psychological troubles. You get the Berman mask by being the shoulder that the organ grinder cries on and vents his guilt. You get the cow mask by protecting grown up Malon’s milk crates from thieves, there-by easing her feelings of depression over the situation. You get the kafie mask by being the ray of hope a mother has over her missing son. You get the circus leader’s mask by helping to ease the depression of the Gorman brother. There are many other examples such as the captain’s hat and the bunny hood as-well.

Video by:Blaise9
Continued on page 3

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