Hiroyuki Takahashi, co-head of Camelot, stated in an interview that a sequel to Golden Sun: Dark Dawn is very possible, provided enough fans speak up for it. Here is an excerpt from the interview:
“A big reason for us making RPGs comes from the requests from all the people who have enjoyed our RPGs in the past. Perhaps if there are enough Nintendo users asking for another game in the Golden Sun series, then this will naturally lead to the development of such a game.”
Zelda Informer has responded to this interview by starting “Operation Sunrise”, a means for the voices of Golden Sun fans to be heard. You can check out their Facebook page here.

Personally, I don’t think it will end up working because Golden Sun will require a lot of people getting behind it and a lot of work. But then again Operation Rainfall worked, so if there are enough people saying that they want another Golden Sun game, then Nintendo may just have to listen to them.
Certainly, if there is a way to voice my approval for another Golden Sun game, then I’m all for it. I hope the developers look back at Dark Dawn with a critical eye though so they can make the hypothetical sequel reach the same height that the Gameboy Advance titles did.