It’s been getting pretty tough so far. the encounter rate is cranked, all the enemies have what I’ve been calling “crippling-EXTRAs” (abilities that fall under the “EXTRA” command that have little-to-no cost and cause the opponent’s team to lose turns through the “panic”, “happy”, “bind”, “sleep”, “paralyze”, or similar status effects. And they’re just weak enough that it’s getting to be a real struggle to try and level up on them.
But the good news is, we’re almost out of this virtual hellhole!
In the last episode of Shin Megami Tensei, En-No-Ozuna had opened up (what I hope is) the last and most complicated part of the space-corridor, and tasked us with gathering powerful weapons from the phantasms on either side. We wrenched one of them from the cold, dead-again hands of one of them, and just one more remains, and we’ve mapped out the area so we know where he is.
Let’s get our cats herded and roll ’em on out!
WOOOOO YEAAAAH! We’ve escaped that place, and found our way back to Tokyo, but what’s this? It’s all in ruins! Well, after a nuclear strike, it’d be surprising if anything was left standing. Even our money is worthless, replaced by the demon-currency of “Macca.” As it stands however, we’re currently walking around with a useless lump of what might as well be monopoly money in our pockets. We get a hint in Shinjuku Mall, which seems to have survived, being underground for the most part.
I’ll spend some off-cam time familiarizing myself with the new Tokyo layout. I strongly suspect that with no money to bargain with, I won’t be able to recruit any new demons into my party and optimize them yet.
-Agent Q. Mulative, Dark Weres
P.S.: Don’t forget that it’s Pandora’s Tower day! Although since you’re here, you’ve probably already known for a while. Anyway, remember to contact Nintendo, thank them for the RPGs we have, and politely ask them for Pandora’s Tower today!