Romance of the Three Kingdoms XII, upon its initial Japanese release, was thought to be PC-only. However, in August, Tecmo Koei announced that the latest installment in this popular strategy game series would hit the PS3 by year’s end, and at the recent Wii U conference in Japan, a Wii U version was also hinted at.

Now, Tecmo Koei has officially confirmed PS3 and Wii U versions of Romance of the Three Kingdoms XII, with both regular and limited editions coming to Japanese shores on December 13. This is five days after the Wii U launches in the country, and Tecmo Koei is already showing overwhelming support for the console with Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge (co-published with Nintendo), Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper and the sequel to Fist of the North Star: Ken’s Rage.
Romance of the Three Kingdoms XII brings back the strategy gameplay and Chinese history that shaped the long-running series, but adds online play – a main series first – and redesigned looks for every character in the game (several hundred in total). Console-exclusive features include the “Team Strengthening and Tactics” and “Warlord Appointment” systems, as well as the addition of new scenarios. Wii U owners can also play the game on the GamePad without a TV.
The special edition includes a fan featuring the main warlords, an artbook, the game’s soundtrack and a bandanna. Those interested should pony up the cash, however, as Romance of the Three Kingdoms XII is being priced at a premium ¥9,240 in its regular edition and ¥11,340 in its special edition.

A Western release date has not yet been announced, but given the popularity of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms console installments in the United States, Tecmo Koei could very well bring the series’ latest installment over.