Harvest Moon: Magical Melody

5. The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker

Top 10 Games for Nephew

There seems to be a pattern with these last few games. Using notes to revive the music in the land, using notes to create music to revive the Harvest Goddess, and now, using music on a quest to slay the ultimate evil in the world.

So why this Zelda game? Because the first two are cryptic (the second one especially), A Link to the Past is confusing to me, the controls for Skyward Sword will probably be a bit of a bother for him, and there is no way in Hyrule that I would let him play any of the N64 games or Twilight Princess when he’s 5. Aside from any handheld game, this is the best choice.

Besides, it’s fairly simple to follow what’s going on in the game. Everything is marked clearly on the map. The menu is easy to follow. And the puzzles are simple enough for him to figure out.

Plus, there’s also that music aspect to the game…

4. NFL Blitz

Top 10 Games for Nephew

This one could easily be NBA Jam or NHL Hitz. But I’ve never played Hitz (so I don’t know if it’s good or not) and my nephew doesn’t seem to like basketball right now. So, NFL Blitz it is.

Sure, it’s violent, but more in the WWE realm of fake violence. He’ll know that it isn’t real and that he won’t be able to pull off any of the over-the-top hits that happen in the game. So there’s no harm in letting him play this game.

Besides, everyone can get behind a good body slam. So what’s wrong with that?

3. Katamari Damacy

Top 10 Games for Nephew

I apologize to my brother and sister-in-law at least two years in advance for this game. My nephew will almost assuredly be singing Katamari on the Rocks all over the house after playing this game.

The only negative that would come from this game is the controls. The controls of the game are a bit odd and can feel a bit difficult to maneuver at the beginning. However, once you get used to the controls, the game is great.

Outside of the controls, the game is pure candy to the child mind. The game is incredibly colorful. The music is catchy. The atmosphere of the game is chaotic. And there’s something to say about rolling the world into a ball of junk. And beyond even that, you play as a little kid helping his dad return the stars to the sky.

2. de Blob 2

Top 10 Games for Nephew

(cue cheesy commercial music)

Tired of your kids coloring on the walls at home? Have them color the buildings of Prisma City in this colorful gem. Get them to stop Comrade Black as he and the INKT Corporation drain the city of color in their efforts to control the world. Together, with Blob’s sidekick Inky, your child can save the world and make it vibrant again.

In all seriousness, this is not just one of the best games this generation but one of the best games to start gaming on. From a technical point, controls are simple to pick up and understand for everyone.

The game has tremendous personality – especially in nearly every character, from the Blanc drones you defeat to the random citizens in the cut-scenes to our hero and villain. The music is fun to listen to and you can add to it by painting buildings. Those little details truly make the game a blast.

1. Super Mario Bros. 3

Top 10 Games for Nephew

Of all the games on all the consoles in the entire world, this is arguably the greatest. The control is solid and easy to pick up. The music is interesting. Each world has an interesting visual aspect that is different from the other worlds in the game. And the difficulty curve is consistent with every level getting harder as you make your way to King Koopa.

Sure, the first Super Mario is probably more influential and could be seen as just as good a starting place. But there’s just a sort of polish that Super Mario 3 has that puts it over.

Here’s an analogy for you: if Super Mario Bros. is like Michael Jackson’s Thriller video, then Super Mario Bros. 3 is like the Smooth Criminal video. While the first was influential and still enjoyed today, the latter is crisper, tighter, and better produced – as well as still being enjoyed today.

And that is the Top 10 Games My Nephew Should Play When He Starts Gaming. And yes, as I’ve said before, I’m leaving out a number of games. But I can only list games that my brother and sister-in-law have consoles for.

However, that shouldn’t stop you when coming up with your own list of what a kid should begin their gaming journey with. Leave your list in the comment section below. And feel free to use whatever parameters you wish.

Jeff Neuenschwander
Jeff has been a supporter of the website and campaign since the beginning. Joining in for E3 2012, he worked his way up the ranks quickly, making it to the Editing Manager post at the beginning of 2013. Jeff has a wide variety of tastes when it comes to gaming and pretty much likes anything that is quirky, although his favorite genres are Action, Platforming, and RPG. Outside of gaming, Jeff is a musician, being trained as a trombonist for Jazz and Classical music, and holds a degree in Sound Recording.