Here at oprainfall, we are a group of fans who are passionate about games. We love Japanese and niche gaming culture, and spreading the word about good games that deserve a bit more of the spotlight. We started off as a localization campaign called Operation Rainfall, to promote localization of a few Nintendo JRPG games, from there we grew into a decent-sized fan-following on Facebook, and now we have this website. Our campaigning days are behind us, and even though we kept part of the campaign name, we are now only this website. This website was built by fans for the niche gaming community. Stick around and check out the site, or contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
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Site Owners
Ryan Tyner –Ryan is one of the owners and managers of the oprainfall website, mostly managing changes to the website. He also writes articles from time-to-time. His gaming interests include mostly RPGs; both Western and Japanese.Ryan has a graduate degree in psychology.Twitter- @rjinaz12 |
Steve Baltimore –Steve started with oprainfall not long after the campaign moved from the IGN forums to Facebook. Ever since, he has been fighting to give all non-mainstream RPGs a fair voice. As the site admin, he will continue to do this and even show there is value in what some would deem “pure ecchi.” He loves niche games and anime more than anything… well, except maybe Neptune. |
Crystal Colwell (Human Resources) Crystal is a diverse and crazy gamer girl who can be found playing all types of games. When she first got involved in the Operation Rainfall Campaign, she volunteered to help out with anything that needed to be done. That was clearly a bad idea since she ended up doing a little bit of everything. She still does as a site co-owner, and loves every second of it. Twitter –@fairyprinsesss |
Managers (Heads of Projects or Positions
David “Lazy_Penguin” Fernandes (Community Manager) David is an assistant admin and community manager at oprainfall. He joined the Operation Rainfall Campaign at the beginning, and became one of the staff as the first wave of new volunteers were needed back in mid June. He is an avid video game collector, and lover of most game genres. David spends much of his time going through his video game backlog. |
Josh Speer (Head Editor and Review Manager) Josh is passionate about gaming, as one would expect from someone who is almost 30 years old and who still finds time to clock in around 30-40 hours of gaming a week. He found out about Operation Rainfall when he was avidly following the pending localization of the Big3WiiRPGs. He enjoys SHMUPS, Platformers, RPGs and Fighters such Street Fighter. He is also an unashamedly giant Mega Man fan, and has been playing the series since he was eight. He even draws his own Mega Man characters in his spare time! Twitter- @SpeerofD3stiny |
Joe Sigadel (Reporting Manager) – Joe is the reporting manager for oprainfall, he is also a broadcaster on Twitch and loves showing off many of the games we report about on his channel. He has also been known to defended Senran Kagura from those who only want to accept it at face value. |
Justin Guillou (Anime Manager) Justin joined Operation Rainfall after visiting the site numerous times and reading the articles on Xenoblade Chronicles. He enjoys searching for and collecting some of the more obscure video games out there. |
Editing Team
Benny Carrillo (Head Editor) A gamer since the days of the NES, this professional otaku adores Mega Man, Super Robot Wars, Yuri, Visual Novels, the Slice of Life anime genre, and of course Hyperdimension Neptunia. His mission on oprainfall is to help deliver the news straight to you. |
Authors and Contributors
Michael Fontanini Michael is a32 year old gamer who grew up around video games, with fond memories of the oldies like the NES and SNES. He loves Nintendo but also plays a lot of games on his PC.Michael is also a computer programmer. This started with a toy he got as a kid called PreComputer 1000 that was made by V-Tech. It had a simple programming mode which is what started him down the road of being a programmer! Michael can program in BASIC, Visual Basic, C++, C#, and is familiar with Java and Lua Script. |
Andrew Mathieu My name is Andrew Mathieu. I’m a college student and I work part-time in my home state of Connecticut. I’m working towards being a writing and host three blogs on WordPress about animation, comic books, and video games. I hope to one day be able to write comic books and voice my opinions about my favorite fields of entertainment. |
Arvind Radakrishnan Arvind is a YouTube Let’s Player who aspires to become a future programmer in a gaming company. He enjoys doing many things game related from cosplay, collectibles, making videos of them and some variants of games. He plays action/adventure, survival horror, and RPGs mainly. |
Brodie Dayton-Mills (Graphic Designer) Brodie is an amateur writer schlepping his way through school and towards the film and video game industries. He joined oprainfall as an author, but quickly chiseled out his niche on the graphics team. When he’s not playing Kingdom Hearts or Fire Emblem, chances are he’s watching British sci-fi. |
Chris Melchin Chris is a computer science student who has been gaming ever since he knew what to do with a Super Nintendo controller. Since then, he’s owned every Nintendo console to be released. His favourite games include Xenoblade Chronicles, Persona 4 Golden, and Little Busters. He started watching anime in high school, and his favourite series is Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. He also writes Vocaloid music for his personal YouTube channel, and has a (slight) obsession with Megurine Luka. |
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