Closers | Sylvi

Today, the newest trailer for Closers has been revealed. This time, it’s about the leader of the Black Lambs Sylvi herself. Raised in UNION, her determination and hardwork allowed her mastery of her mental powers. A trailer for Seha has already been released as well. More characters are planned to be showcased in the following three weeks. The trailer for Seha can be found in Naddic games’ official website for the game. Meanwhile, here is the newest trailer below.

Closers is set in New Seoul, where interdimensional aliens threaten the city by going through a multitude of portals. There is one organization trained to stop them and that is the UNION organization. Their agents wield super-powers in order to combat any threat. The Black Lambs team was sent out this time in order to push back the aliens. The team consists of: Seha, a reluctantly highly skilled combatant, Sylvi, leader and caster, Yuri, a martial artist with newly discovered powers, Misteltein, young boy with fantastic support skills, and J, the grizzled veteran.

Developed by Naddic Games, the game is currently in closed alpha. However, fans can have a chance to participate in the alpha here. Open beta for the MORPG is slated for late 2017.

Source PR.

Marisa Alexander
With a flair of both eccentricity and normalcy. Lives in New England, where the weather is about as chaotic as limbo. Have enjoyed gaming since before schooling and have signed up for many AP and Honor HS classes in order to succeed in life. Is extraordinarily analytical, opinionated, and caring.