Shenmue III funding and development


A recent video from SEGA Central suggests that the company is looking into remastering Shenmue and Shenmue II. The question was asked by a fan and the SEGA community manager, Dan Sheridan responded saying “It’s not as simple as porting the games to current platforms as we will need to ensure that any HD remaster lives up to the quality of the original titles. And with games as immersive as Shenmue I and II, there are further complications from licensed products that were included in the original games. That said, we’d love to do it and are currently investigating how to make it a reality.” The question about the remastering the games occurs around 1:54 in the video below.

A remaster of the first two games would definitely bring some more interest to the long awaited third game. The game was funded by Kickstarter, breaking a Guinness World Record.  Not much has been shown but, there are some screenshots and an in-progress video of it.

Shenmue III is set for release on the PlayStation 4 and PC, and is currently dated for December 2017.


Walter P
Plays too much, but still has too many games to finish. Will play any type of game and will watch anything, so is of course not good at being productive. Loves anything crazy.