Dead Star Feature Image

Dead Star is one of the feature titles for the free games with PS Plus for this month, as I covered here. But it is a very large and complex game. So in order to help the indie team get the word out and tell people how great this game is, the team at Playstation Underground and the Official Playstation Blog have released a long video and a blog post to help you understand how to play this game. Here is the video:

And here is an example of some of the strategy in this complex but rewarding tactical shooter.

Choose Your Ship

Dead Star offers many different ships, each with its own unique set of powers and roles in combat, broken down into the following types:

  • Scouts: These sleek, nimble ships are useful for exploration. They don’t have much combat power, but they can capture outposts four times faster than anything else.
  • Raiders: A mix of speed and power, Raiders are formidable in combat and also pack double the cargo capacity — making them the ideal class for upgrading your bases.
  • Frigates: The heavy hitters of Dead Star, Frigates pack a lot of health and offensive firepower at the cost of being among the slowest ships in the game.

I won’t paste the entire post here, I want to help give them the clicks for the work that they put into this guide. So head on here if you are interested. Personally I am very interested in a game that is this complex and meaty. And the fact that it was released as a free game for many of their audience is quite the feat.

William Haderlie
Born in the 1970's, I've been an avid participant for much of video game history. A lifetime of being the sort of supergeek entrenched in the sciences and mathematics has not curbed my appreciation for the artistry of video games, cinema, and especially literature.