Final Fantasy VII featured

In case you didn’t know, Final Fantasy VII is a popular game. So popular, in fact, that Square Enix has made a concerted effort to release it on every platform imaginable. There’s probably a checklist on “Mister Square Enix’s” desk of every different way to make this game available for a dedicated fan base that just can’t get enough. Well, they can mark off one more box on that list because Final Fantasy VII is now available on Apple devices. So if you’re the kind of person that likes this sort of thing, then this is the sort of thing you’ll like. You might even like this link to the iOS store that takes you right to the page for the game.

Final Fantasy VII is currently available on, well, just about everything now, and that’s perfectly fine with me!


Tom Tolios
Really smart, talks too much, loves the video games and the Star Wars and the Game of Thrones, likes the manga and some anime and knows that Kentaro Miura's Berserk is the greatest thing ever made.