Super Mario Maker - Artwork

With Super Mario Maker‘s release coming later this year in the fall, there’s been a lot of updates on what the game will contain; from the amiibo support and new, 8-bit amiibo made for it, and some of the level design content shown at E3.

While the point of the game is to make your own levels and download other, fan-made levels, the game is recently revealed to include a total of 100 pre-made levels on the disc to start out. This is a good option to help get players started with the level editor, since the levels included don’t need to be downloaded nor do they require an Internet connection to play at all times, while they can also give some inspiration for level-making. Listings on official Nintendo web sites have revealed this information recently.

Super Mario Maker is set to release world-wide in September 11, 2015.


Arvind Radakrishnan
Arvind is a YouTube Let's Player who aspires to become a future programmer in a gaming company. He enjoys doing many things game related from cosplay, collectibles, making videos of them and some variants of games. He plays action/adventure, survival horror, and RPGs mainly.