Wonder Momo | oprainfall

Wonder Momo | oprainfall

It’s a discovery that has been met with no lack of confusion: a Japanese teaser site has been opened for the return of Wonder Momo. Don’t know who that is? Don’t worry, you’re not alone.

Wonder Momo was a Japan-exclusive arcade game back in the late eighties. It featured the titular heroine onstage taking out wave after wave of enemies with super-powered kicks. While Momo has appeared in other titles like Namco X Capcom, she hasn’t had another game of her own since then—until now, apparently.

The teaser site reveals very little so far, so it’s unknown what system the game will be released for or when we can expect to see it in action. We just know one thing for sure: Momo is back.

Click here to visit the site for yourself.

Angela Hinck
Former Contributor: Content Manager- Situated in sunny Florida, Angela spends plenty of time watching anime and playing video games. RPGs and survival-horror are her go-to genres; but if it's weird or different, she's willing to give a shot. She graduated from the University of Central Florida with a BA in Creative Writing and now puts her skills to good use writing about the nerdier things in life, including news and game reviews for Operation Rainfall.