Last week, Telltale Games announced Poker Night 2, the follow-up to their 2010 title, Poker Night at the Inventory. This news was unbelievable enough, considering there was never even a hint that another game was in the works, but the timing of the announcement was even more peculiar. Despite Telltale choosing to reveal this on April 1, it turns out that the real April Fool’s prank is that it wasn’t a prank at all. Poker Night 2, featuring a new cast of video game, television and movie characters to ante up against, will be available for purchase in just a couple weeks.
Poker Night 2 will be available at the low price of only $4.99, but Valve is sweetening the deal even more. Those who choose to preorder Poker Night 2 through the Steam digital distribution service will receive a free copy of Poker Night at the Inventory, as well. Aside from delivering a solid Poker sim experience, both games will also bring plenty of laughs with the hilarious conversations that the motley crew of characters has with each other as they play.

Additionally, both of the Poker Night games include weapons and vanity items for use in Team Fortress 2, with Poker Night 2 taking it a step beyond by adding even more items to Borderlands 2.
These are acquired by eliminating a character from play after they put up their prizes as collateral in lieu of money. The PS3 version of the game will include themes and wallpapers for the system, while the 360 version will add items to apply to your Xbox Live avatar.
Poker Night 2 is slated for release on April 23 on PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Telltale will also be releasing the game on additional platforms, likely meaning iOS and Android tablets, but no concrete date has yet been set for this.