Today started out on a very happy note, for me at least. I started the day off with some fantastic news! Plants VS Zombies will be free this week for the Vita through PlayStation Plus <huge grin>. If you don’t see any new posts from me for the rest of the week, this is why! I love this game. It is a huge addiction of mine that has lead to countless hours of non productivity on my end, unless you count shooting, terrorizing and creating all sorts of chaos for the zombies that want to eat my brains productive.
Enough gushing. PVZ is a PopCap Game that offers us hours upon hours of endless fun. The game starts out with a small tutorial that shows you how to collect the suns and plant the flowers that you will need, which all do various things. The tutorial is taken care of in the first few levels and isn’t that annoying.
Continuing on, we then have this crazy dude who very fittingly is known as Crazy Dave who shows up and gives us some information from the zombies and encourages us as we’re on our way to stopping the zombies from infiltrating the house.

Crazy Dave gives us bits of information and then we are once again on our way to zombie killing awesomeness. Below you will find a few screens that give you an idea of the stages and flowers that you will encounter in game. Some things will be unlocked as you go while others you will have to buy in the games shop, which is unlockable through normal game play and requires you to spend nothing other then the money you earn in game. Said money can be earned by collecting coins in any of the modes as you play and in your Zen Garden.

Aside from the main story mode of the game you also get Mini-Games, Survival Mode, Puzzles and a Zen Garden to enjoy. There is a boss or two thrown into the game and each different mode will offer a different game play experience, which stops the game from feeling stale. The game is free this week, starting February 26, 2013, on PlayStation Plus. If you are a member of PS plus then try the game out. It’s free! What do you have to lose, aside from the countless hours that you will put into playing this game?