New Game!

The first trailer has been released for the upcoming anime adaptation of the 4-panel manga New Game!, by Shōtarō Tokunō. The panel is about Aoba Suzukaze, who goes to work for the game company that makes her favorite video game. So it’s an anime about cute girls making video games. There is a lot to love in that sentence right there. Here is the new trailer.

According to the post on Crunchyroll the video concludes with the phrase, “Working is tough. Working is fun. Working is youth.” This is an anime that I will be keeping my eye on when it’s run starts this July in Japan. And I hope that an anime distributor here in North America picks it up. Stay tuned at Operation Rainfall for any updates if you are also interested.


William Haderlie
Born in the 1970's, I've been an avid participant for much of video game history. A lifetime of being the sort of supergeek entrenched in the sciences and mathematics has not curbed my appreciation for the artistry of video games, cinema, and especially literature.