Visualnoveler hopes to bring their next project, Destiny Chronicles, to life in the very near future with the help of crowd funding. The Kickstarter relaunch won’t be for a month or two, but they still wanted to give you taste of what you can expect with a new trailer for their demo showcasing the combat.

Destiny Chronicles is the story of a young squire named Celeste and her action RPG-y journey to hunt down a thief and prove herself a true knight. Visualnoveler seeks to make her adventure a lighthearted one while still keeping the story engaging and compelling.

As far as platforms are concerned, they’re looking at PC, PS4, and the Switch so if you own one of those and enjoy action RPGs you might want to keep your eyes peeled for their campaign. Of course we’ll likely be here with a more detailed Kickstarter Spotlight when it happens. Also, be sure to check out the press release below:


Inspired by classic action JRPGs, Destiny Chronicles is an action role-playing game about a squire named Celeste who begins a journey to prove herself worthy of becoming a true knight. Her quest takes her far from her home, across the continent in pursuit of a thief whose actions stem from a sinister plot.

Its character-driven plot focuses on the interactions between Celeste and her companions as they hunt down the thief. Our goal is to make the game lighthearted and humorous, yet still tell a compelling story.

Destiny Chronicles features an exciting and fast-paced action combat system, and Celeste’s fighting style can be customized to suit your playstyle with a talent tree and upgrade system.


  • Character-Driven Story – As Celeste travels across the continent with her companions Valana and Ruby, they’ll learn more about the world and its history, as well as a sinister plot about to unfold.
  • Exciting, Dynamic Battles – Take on a variety of enemies with an exciting action combat system. Plan your battles, unleash special attacks, and devastate your foes.
  • Beautiful, Mysterious World – Explore fields, towns, and dungeons across a strange world still haunted by its elusive past.
  • Customization – Use an expansive talent tree to customize Celeste’s fighting style.
  • Quests – In addition to the main story, side quests and optional activities allow you to further explore the world and characters of Destiny Chronicles. Dig deeper into the lore, help the people you meet, and join your party members as they resolve their personal struggles.
  • Party Interactions – The three main characters learn and change throughout their journey and humorous banter fills their interactions as they come to know each other. Optional conversations add greater depth to their friendship.
  • Enchanting – Upgrade your gear and boost your skills by enchanting them with magical relics.
Aaron Evangelisti
Aaron is a lifelong video games enthusiast who's been playing since the days of the NES. He enjoys just about all types of games from RPGs, to platformers, to strategy. He also fancies himself a bit of a writer so writing about video games makes sense, right?