Brave Fencer Musashi

The major PS4 Update that I reported the beta test for previously, code named Musashi, will get it’s official release tomorrow. It is a major update, so plan on a hefty download and some possible extended PSN downtime while it is implemented. However, you will be getting a lot of good system functionality with this release. It looks like pretty much everything made it through the beta phase, so it’s an extensive list that I will recap here, courtesy also of the Official Playstation Blog.

Appear Offline

PSN 3.50 Appear Offline

The screenshot above shows a new menu item in your profile called “Online Status”. You can use that to now appear offline. It may not get much use by many, but for those that will use it, this is a great function to have. Sometimes you just want to play some single player and not get bombarded by Destiny or Final Fantasy XIV party requests.

Friend Online Notification

PSN 3.50 Friend Online Notification

This one is a little shocking that it has not happened yet. But better late than never. Much like any ancient chat program, you can now choose to be notified when one of your friends comes online if you were looking to play some games or chat with them. Functionality long overdue.

User Scheduled Events

PSN 3.50 User Scheduled Event

In the Events tab you will now have the ability to create User Scheduled Events. It can automatically add the users you select into a party when the date and time arrives for the event. This will serve as a reminder and to save some time. Especially for some games that lack some of the robust party matchmaking of MMOs like FFXIV, this could become useful. Also a minor, but nice, addition to the parties themselves is that you will now see which game each party member is playing to make it easier to click over to join them if you so choose.

Remote Play (PC/Mac)

PSN 3.50 Remote Play (PC Mac)

This one is one of the more popular additions to this update. Remote play was previously possible via the PS Vita or the PS TV. Now they have added some very nice functionality to allow it using PC or Mac as well. I’ll quote the Official Playstation Blog for the requirements.

Remote Play on PC / Mac is compatible with the following system software:
Windows 8.1
Windows 10 or later
OS X 10.10
OS X 10.11
You’ll be able to select from the following resolution and frame rate options, depending on your Internet bandwidth.
Resolution options: 360p, 540p, 720p (Default: 540p)
Frame rate : Standard (30fps), High (60fps) (Default: Standard)
You can use one DualShock 4 as the controller for Remote Play, which needs to be connected to your PC / Mac via a USB cable.
After the system software update launches, you’ll be able to download the Remote Play Installer here.

In addition to all these updates, the Playstation App will also upgrade to 3.50 and much of the party and friend functionality added with this update will apply there in the same manner. This adds a lot of good things and some long overdue items as well. Next step is to allow us to change our names, I’m looking at you Shuhei. But still, good job with this update.

Shuhei Yoshida

William Haderlie
Born in the 1970's, I've been an avid participant for much of video game history. A lifetime of being the sort of supergeek entrenched in the sciences and mathematics has not curbed my appreciation for the artistry of video games, cinema, and especially literature.