The PS Plus Free Games for April 2016 have been announced. The trailer above only shows the two PS4 games, but this month has 2 Playstation 4, 2 Playstation 3, and 2 Playstation Vita games. So if you have all three systems, this could be a busy month for you. Here are the individual releases.

Playstation 4

Dead Star

This is a team based twin stick shooter that includes leveling up, skill trees, and equipable loot. The multi-player is can be both co-operative or competitive.


Originally released as Zombi-U when it was released for the Wii-U, this is the PS4 version of the game. Not only will you be destroying horrible zombies, but this time… they are British. Ply them with Dickens or Fish and Chips, or you could just blow their head off.

Playstation 3

I Am Alive

Post-apocalyptic third person action shooter, it is a genre that has been explored a couple times. But at this price, you can definitely afford to explore it and see if it does something new or interesting.

Savage Moon

A science fiction tower defense game where you are defending your mining operations from waves of invading creatures. Reminds me a bit of my recently reviewed Aegis of Earth, only with less spinning cities.

PS Vita

A Virus Named TOM

An interesting strategy game where you play as a virus named TOM, invented by a mad scientist and you invade various systems and creatures. It’s not much of a stretch, according to Agent Smith, you are already a virus.


Just watch that trailer. If you are not interested then you are a stronger, or more cynical, human than I am.


William Haderlie
Born in the 1970's, I've been an avid participant for much of video game history. A lifetime of being the sort of supergeek entrenched in the sciences and mathematics has not curbed my appreciation for the artistry of video games, cinema, and especially literature.