Luminous Arc Infinity

Marvelous, developer of the upcoming PS Vita tactical RPG Luminous Arc Infinity, has issued a press release about the game’s battle system. Specifically, details are provided about the ‘Calling’, ‘Lapis Burst’ and ‘Battle Rings’ mechanics. The game, which features heroines in a fantasy setting that sing to produce the power to overcome their enemies, is the fourth in the Luminous Arc series and the first for the PS Vita.

Gematsu translated the battle system press release issued by Marvelous. Here are the details provided so far:

Introducing the Calling System

By singing songs during combat, players can produce what’s known as a “Calling.” Characters that are inside a Calling’s circumference, or an “Ensemble Ring,” can see everything from their normal attacks to their Art effects buffed, making it a critical key to victory. Plus, multiple Ensemble Rings can overlap and resonate with one another, amplifying the latent effects within such zones that much more. Effects that start off in a Solo state, for instance, can therefore turn into a Duet, Trio, or even Quartet with good planning.

Lapis Bursts

After fully building up their magic reserves, the heroines of Lumines Arc Infinite can also sing as a means of unleashing the power of their Lapis Burst, an extremely strong Art. Each heroine’s Lapis Burst has different properties and, when used in tandem with their favorite weapons, can help players go far in sweeping away any and all enemy opposition.

Battle Rings

The extent to which heroines grow depends on how they participate in combat. In practical terms, this means that heroines sent out into battle can receive bonus XP depending on the final results, providing plenty of incentive to pick favorites and raise them to be nice and strong really quickly!

The first two Luminous Arc games were released in Japan, North America and Europe for the Nintendo DS in 2007. The third game was released for the DS in Japan only in 2008. There is no word yet on a western release for Luminous Arc Infinity. Let’s hope XSEED gets a chance to get their hands on this game.

Tom Tolios
Really smart, talks too much, loves the video games and the Star Wars and the Game of Thrones, likes the manga and some anime and knows that Kentaro Miura's Berserk is the greatest thing ever made.