Conception II

Atlus USA has released some of the transformation scenes found in Conception II in a series of animated GIF files. Here is their press release:

The Seven Powerful Heroines of Conception II are Here to Help You Save The World (and Study for Exams)

Being a God’s Gift in Conception II certainly has its perks: they send you into dungeons to fight hordes of monsters, you have the world’s most powerful corporation watching your every move, and the entire world is waiting with bated breath to see if you have the strength to stop the planet from being destroyed by nightmarish monsters.

But at the end of the day, you still get to make Star Children with seven of the best and brightest girls at the academy, so it’s not all bad?

Well, it’s a little bit more complicated than that. The seven heroines all have their own personality traits and quirks to decipher, and your relationship with them directly relates to how powerful your Star Children are. Worse yet, you only get three opportunities to attempt to improve your relationship before you need to rest or revisit a dungeon.

And instead of referring to them as “the seven heroines,” we can now reveal who they are, and as a bonus we’ve included their transformation process from school duds to bad-ass battle gear.

The press release also contained some character profiles:

Conception II | Chloe


Chloe is the older sister of your new friend Chlotz, and only a year older than your character. Her abilities are so exceptional that she works as an instructor at the Academy.

Chloe uses a Remote Turret to perforate her opponents.

Conception II Ellie


Ellie is a first-year student who’s very energetic and often cheers on those around her. Though she looks cute and young, she’s very mature and perceptive.

Ellie uses a magical staff called a Summoning Gun to dish out serious magic damage.

Conception II Feene


Feene is an earnest, polite third-year student. She is considered one of the strongest Disciples, and has already seen action on the front lines.

Her formidable Gunblade has seen its fair share of battles as well.

Conception II | Fuuko


Fuuko is the first female student that you’ll meet. She is bright and amicable, and quick to make friends. She sees herself as a very down-to-earth kind of person.

Fuuko uses her Dual Pistols in dungeons with deadly accuracy.

Conception II Narika


The vice representative of your class. She is shy and reserved, without much self-confidence, but has a good heart and is very kind to others.

Her Bowgun speaks differently about her – it packs a huge punch to monsters.

Conception II | Serina


Despite her diminutive size, she is actually a third-year Disciple with
incredible power. She has a good heart, but often tries to keep her true
feelings hidden.

Her Kick Gun is an incredible hybrid of fashion-forward footwear and death-dealing.

Conception II | Torri


As a result of being raised in a research facility, Torri is very naïve about the outside world and usually believes anything she’s told.
Torri materializes a powerful gatling gun to obliterate anything in her path.

You can find the transformation GIF files here, but be warned: some these are borderline NSFW. You have been warned.

Steve Baltimore
Steve started with oprainfall not long after the campaign moved from the IGN forums to Facebook. Ever since, he has been fighting to give all non-mainstream RPGs a fair voice. As the site admin, he will continue to do this and even show there is value in what some would deem "pure ecchi." He loves niche games and anime more than anything... well, except maybe Neptune.