It was recently announced that bonus content will be added to Tales of Xillia 2 if save data from previous games is found on your system.  A series of “Anytime” dolls of characters in previous games will be available.

Tales of Xillia 2 will look for save data from Tales of Vesperia (PS3 port), Tales of Graces f, and the first Tales of Xillia.  If save data is found, you will receive Anytime Dolls of characters from the game to equip.  Confirmed characters available “Anytime” include Yuri Lowell, Milla Maxwell, Jude Mathis and Sophie.

Tales of Xillia 2 Anytime Milla
Travel with Tales of Xillia’s Milla anytime! Recommended for people who like to shake things.
Tales of Xillia 2
Ludger has graciously decided to model for us.

Tales of Vesperia’s PS3 port was never released outside of Japan, so if Tales of Xillia 2 is localized – and if this bonus is also available outside of Japan – there is a good chance we won’t get to see the Vesperia gang Anytime.

Tales of Xillia 2
Lack of localization makes Ludger sad.

So there you have it!  Would you like to see these Anytime dolls when you get Xillia 2?  Which character would you like to see the most?  Let us know in the comments below.

Tales of Xillia 2



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