Limstella is the most powerful of Nergal’s morphs and an extremely adept magic user; she appears in-game as a Sage. Her purpose is to gather quintessence(life force) for Nergal’s personal use. Of all the morphs shown in Blazing Sword, she is the only one who only harms those she has been explicitly told to attack; she will not act as an aggressor unless told to by Nergal.
It could be that Limstella’s appearance is in fact that of Nergal’s late wife. When he needed a new helper, one he could trust above all others, he decided to create a morph. And the image that presented itself was of that one person he had trusted completely so long ago, wedged deep within his subconscious, even after she had been long forgotten in his conscious mind.

What makes Limstella so interesting is that when compared to her foil Sonia (another morph) you can question what it means to be human. Limstella has no humanity, she has no emotions, no free will, she follows orders and thats about it. She practically isn’t a character at all. Sonia on the other hand was was so human(pretty sadistic though), we only suspected she was a morph because they all have black hair and golden eyes. She even thought she was human until Nergal told her while she was dying, she also says that the morphs were creepy. Are the morphs human? Can morphs be human if they are given free will, intelligence, and emotions? Sonia had free will to an extent, had emotions, she looks human, talks like humans, does that make her human? Limstella only looked and barely talked human, she might as well have been a robot. I’ll ask you directly: Is Sonia human and Limstella not? Are morphs human, or maybe only ones that have been given human traits?


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